Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Flower House

Since it's Spring Break--and I have the time--I was thinking about a flower house for SriSriRadhaSyamasundara.

I had been meditating on it for a while--what would a flower house be like?--so looked it up on the Internet. The descriptions were about garlands of flowers draped to make a house. I knew that would never happen, so I thought about making a styrofoam structure and hot gluing flowers.

As I went to bed that night I thought about shapes, flowers, and colors.

The next morning as I was driving to a friend's house to work on the garden, I passed a huge pile of bamboo out on the curb for pick up.

I stopped the car, got out, and started going through the pile. It was great bamboo--big, thick, and green--in 4 foot lengths.

I gathered up an armful and put it in the backseat of the car.

Later on I brought it home and, using the table saw, cut it into lengths to lash into a framework.

It took a couple of days to put together and decorate, but, wow, what fun!

I asked a M. over to take pictures and we had a wonderful, late-evening kirtan with A. and M. These darker pictures really capture the mood of that kirtan. (Special thanks to M!)

Jaya SriSriRadhaShyamasundara! Jaya Prabhupada!



Anonymous said...

I like the dark ones best too. They are definitely majical. But I think my favorite is the dripping flowers altar you did last year.....major cool.

Anonymous said...

I like how you ended up with bamboo instead of styrofoam. It seems Vrindadevi herself intervened - styrofoam is a crass material to be used, even in this world, what to speak of using it around the transcendental couple.

Satya devi dasi said...

Yes, I think you're right. Vrnda devi intervened. I just couldn't think of what to use for the structure . . . and there it was!